Album Details Announced
"Overcome" has been confirmed as the first single from Full Circle. This track will be available as a digital single on August 25th. Sign-up for iTunes alerts and be the first to know when Creed music and video are available for download. Full Circle will be in stores October 2009, sign-up for the mailing list to get all the album release information.
Creed has also released the album cover art for Full Circle, leave a comment and tell us your thoughts.
Creed has also released the album cover art for Full Circle, leave a comment and tell us your thoughts.

Labels: 2009 Tour, Creed, Full Circle, New Album, New Single, Overcome
For those that have already gone to the concerts and have heard the new song Overcome, can you give us an idea of what it sounds like? Is it a Higher/My Sacrifice type song or more heavy metal type?
Greetings from Poland ;]
Love the cover. New Jersey
You can see hear the new song at Just search creed overcome.
saw these guys at SPAC in Saratoga NY last rock show i've ever seen, overcome is a harder style than some of their other singles like higher or with arms wide open but wouldnt say its quite as hard as say bullets...either way full circle is going to be an incredible album, well worth the way since their last release!
kajjdfja;dfjadjf k OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!LK LKdflkdjfa kljdf;l fja;d fjl;aidfjiadf8usd8u78&Pf76^s$^bi6B54I BoN&NI*:M?>M*" MYSIYISUDYI"M SYFDIDFN D"FDUFDIFUIDSUCOIxcu['IYds;*UYDIP&D&D%DpvCPDSFBTSD&^PFC$EDIDF#SD$OWEDP P !PU P TEIUPY upi1upiyPIIP~UI~I~U ~ UI~ 8=================>~~~~~~~~ dfkasdj;lkfj dsafja;lkjds;fkjaeirjfd ;dfjaksdjfijd fkj hudeufhedf dfa;ljdfafdfadfd
Overcome is an awesome song. It's catchy AND heavy and there's a sick solo in it. I just can't believe they aren't releasing it until a month into the tour...but it'll be worth the wait, and I hope the album is too
Ya, Overcome is sort of a mix between the lyrics of their slower songs (Higher, Sacrifice)and the musical feel of their harder ones (Bullets, Freedom Fighter).
It's really good.
And the shirt they sell with this logo on it is SICK!
yeah overcome is sweet -- killer guitar solo in it... can't wait to hear the mixed production version of it on august 25 & for the full album in october.
Creed's live show is my favorite and I can't wait to hear new glad they are back!
Love the album cover. Creed always has cool albums covers, This is one of the better ones.
I'll be honest, I saw the show in Hershey, and it was the worst Show and venue I have ever seen. I have seen then 2x before and there is no comparision. The opening band SUCKED, the didn't even know what town they were in, and Creed played their songs with a faster Tempo, and played for a WHOPPING hour and 15 mins. Save you money, Scott Stapps voice is gone and they don't care about their fans.
jason i was also at the hershey show and agree that the first band didn't know what town they were in (kept saying pittsburgh). but they didn't suck, they were just new...
Creed played for an hour and 20 minutes and they played the same set minus one song that they played in pittsburgh -- i believe they played at least 13 or 14 songs and all of the favorites...
Scott sounded solid and Mark, Scott P and Brian were also at the top of their game.
I think as the tour goes on, Scott Stapp will get stronger and once the new CD comes out... these guys have the potential to get to the top again!
You clearly were not at the same show I was... it rocked!
I also was at the Hershey show and thought it was an awesome show!!!! To the people who say Scott's voice is shot give the guy a break would you please it's been 7 years, his voice wasn't 100% but it was pretty damn close, he will get stronger as the tour goes on. Its a very high energy show, I dont know that anyone could keep that pace longer than an hour and 20 minutes in the heat they had that night in Hershey! Scott, piss on the ones who don't believe! You ROCKED!!!!
how did the merch look when you went to the shows,
want creed in brazil single music, and disc but "overcome" love creed for brazil! pictures and keys is the symbols from love in brazil, south america. creed is the band from rock explosion of faces in brazil, and guitars music love creed!
Went to the saratoga concert last night and it rocked.scott stapp voice was amazing.overcome is an amazing single.i wish the concert hadnt ended it was awesome.
Saw CREED last evening at Saratoga Performinag Arts! The show was absolutely spectacular. If you've never seen them before then you are in for arockin' great time! OVERCOME fit into the set just like all the rest of Creed's songs! Rock On: Mark, Brian, Flip, and Scott!
Third time seeing CREED at SPAC NY. The BEST yet. Come on!! Creed ROCKS. See I'm speechless!!!Played their hearts out and Saratoga loves them. Sworm opening act from New Zealand- great set.
Shelly & Bob Hackel from NY
I was at the Hershey show...that was my fifth time seeing them and WOW!!! Awesome show!!!
Best part, hands down, last song...Scott took his shirt off. That boy is ripped!!!
I'd go see them 5 more times.
Keep rockin!!!
Chile is waiting for you guys. Greetings
Stapps Voice is gone. Compare the two songs. He has lost his raspiness:
I coming out right here right now I'm Leaf Kittleson son of Kris Kittleson is gay and proud of IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CREED RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO HAVE YOUR KIDS SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!
Listen to Faceless Man. This also proves his voice is gone.
I coming out right here right now I Leaf Kittleson son of Kris Kittleson is gay and proud of IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CREED RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO HAVE YOUR KIDS SCOTT STAPP!!!!!!!!!!! AND MARK AND OTHER SCOTT AND MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BrIaN mArShAlL!!!!!!!!! D;,F;DSFklfm idfo*du f!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To bob u need a hearing aid. Stapps voice is still amazing and creed rocks the conert was awesome last nite.
saw creed at spac,saratoga ny last night.Well worth the money,the show was awesome. Thanks creed for a great show
Love the have no idea how long I've waited to see that.
oh and Bob....seriously??? They haven't been on stage together for 7 years now?? Why don't you cut them some slack...they are obviously giving it all that they got, if you don't like them, don't go, instead of being hateful on THEIR website.
I'll be seeing them on the 18th, and I can't wait!
I do miss the hair though Scott....just sayin' =P
Seeing them in 3 days at the the Beach. Cant Wait!!!
Started to listen to all my Creed CD's again had forgotten how much I loved them. Bullets and Signs and whose got my back...full blast driving doen PCH in southern california. Man I cant wait for the Irvine show. I did see some video of the Buffalo NY show on Youtube. and it made me MORE excited. The pyro stuff looks cool. The second guitar player was a fantastic addition. Now for my turn seeing it all up close and personal. Whew counting the days.
My ultimate wish is that somehow things can be settled with Windup
and that this wont be the last album. Mostly I just want Creed and AB to stay intact. They both offer so much. I know this would mean a heck of alot of work for Mark, Brian and SPhillips. And they dont need to money. So, just wishing they just want to do them both and can handle that kind of workload if they do.
Love you guys and I just hope your having the time of your lives.
Sick Album cover !
You pretty mush always have cool covers but this is awesome.
Wondering who designed it....Tremonti's bro?
Just thought maybe he did cause I think I heard something about him making the design on one of Marks guitar.
Anyways, good job it is one cool ass album cover
pretty cover! but we want a european tour, with a date in Italy!
hi bob,
i listened to those two and they sound pretty much the same...i mean, let's hear you sing it.
scott stapp still has his voice. it's awesome!
Very nice cover. How many keys are on that ring? :)
Your voice is perfect! Keep going!
cool cover loving the symbolism
hey creed fans I found the Buffalo NewYork concert from august 8th 2009 9 songs live !
here on YOU TUBE:
i love the cover, cant wait 2 grab hold of those keys and unlock the ROCK. i know it will be awesome. See you in Atlanta.
Overome can be found on Utube... I think it rocks some real haters out there....GET lives, the rest of us know its too short! The lyrics as always are inspirational and I already have it memorized from a not so good taping... So Haters grow-up and change the channel if you have a problem, its called free will.
It supersedes free speech and stupidity... See you in Detroit and as always Rock On!
creed fans I found the Buffalo New York concert they just did august 8th 2009
9 songs footage live !
here on YOU TUBE:
Stapp is back! Check this out this is sick!!
For all of you crying about Scott's voice...why don't you go run off and play with your Jonas Brothers dolls!
Creed freaking rocks!! Cover is very cool. The only thing I am disappointed about is that they canceled the Raleigh & Charlotte shows in September???? Please overcome to NC!!
jeff said...
Stapp is back! Check this out this is sick!!
creed fans I found the Buffalo New York concert they just did august 8th 2009
9 songs footage playlist live !
here on YOU TUBE:
Saw the band at the SBC in Camden,NJ. They put on a great show. Scott's voice may have been a little rough at times but he makes up for it with the passion and energy he puts out.
New single sucks. The band doesnt seem into it anymore. They are just there for a paycheck. The only one into it is stapp. lol. what a chode.
Saw Creed at the SBC last night, what a great show. That was the fourth time I've seen Creed, and it was just as good as ever. I especially liked Faceless Man, and the new single did sound really good, even though it was difficult to pick out all of the lyrics. Thanks for a great show! I love you guys!
I think there is no need to delay the release of the album
But have you decided so, I will continue waiting, because it is worth waiting for new songs, especially the Creed
Hug you all
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What are you smoking RockStar? First you say a quarter of a million and than a half million.
go to amazon yes i know i speeled it wrong lmao amazon mp3 .com and click creed overcome in the search thing there is a 34 secend long clip of the song it rocks grung like scott in the 90's check it and let me know if the word d word is in it but the song rocks none the less creed 4ever
Hey Rockstar..
way to wait 7 years after THEY wrote the song to b*tch about it...
Wow, the haters are really coming out of the woodwork now huh?? I hope the band members read this...
Don't let the haters get you down, you guys have real fans, and we have not forgotten you.
Well said Stacia about RockStar and Creed.
Thanks! :)
I just don't understand people...
there are bands that I don't care for, I certainly don't spend my time on their websites and in their forums...sad that some people have nothing better to do.
Um wasnt this part for comments on the new album cover?
Well I dig it!
hey creed fans I found the Buffalo NewYork concert from august 8th 2009 9 songs live !
here on YOU TUBE:
Powerful cover it. Very symbolic. Very Creed.
See u guys tmmrw at the beach!!!!
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Rockstar ur r mental u need to see a mental health professional. P.s. Creed rocks.
I love you Creed, always have always will!!!!!!! Love you guys!!!!!!
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You can hear a preview of the new song OVERCOME
see 9 songs from the CONCERT
did in NY on 8/8/2009
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Hey Rockstar,
I couldn't care less. And I'm pretty sure that goes for everyone else here as well.
Can't wait to hearing "Overcome" on the radio this week! :)
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You have a very active imagination, maybe you need to seek professional help.
Creed and AlterBridge 4-Ever!
Wow..some random worthless failure on a band's website insulted me, I'm going to go cry now.....NOT. hahahahahhahaa get a life...seriously.
i have a condom
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Hey RockStar.... Since you say you wrote the song why don't you walk 6 feet towards the edge and jump off.
I think your a load of crap. Where do you sit on the Forbes list???
Get a life. It seems to me your about one second away from going postal. Do us all a favor -- put it in your mouth first and pull the trigger.
I guess next your going to say you wrote all of the Beatles and Michael Jackson's hits but don't want any royalty....
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Does anyone have any videos of Creed playing Never Die for this tour? I can't find any on youtube. are delusional. Please seek some professional help.
AlterBridge RULES!!!!!!!!!
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and WHY THE HELL bring Mötley Crüe into this?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Seriously, what the hell are you smokin?
New York show 8/15: Unbelievable. I can't believe what an incredible show they put on. Overcome was harder than the stuff off Weathered. Super excited for the new album!
this was a forum to say if we like the album cover...
I do,its pretty sick
Anyone want to see the 8/8/09 concert live from New york ?
Found it here:
Love it, time to spend some cash
Creed are easily the best band of all time and the new album, i hope will be outstanding like all the othersd before it. can you guys please please come to the UK I would do anything to see you but i cant make it to the US to see you guys so please come to the UK, come to scotland. Overcome is a great siong I love it. Creed are amazing i love you guys
Michael McCann from Glasgow, Scotland
This was the 4th time I saw Creed & 2nd time at Jones Beach, great show as always, you guys rock, please come back to NY in the winter, see you today in NJ
Can't wait for the new album Creed love you love you love you!!!!
Anyone want to see the
8/8/09 and 8/15/09 concerts
Scott sounds AMAZING especially on the faceless man performance on 8/15 in jones beach
Found it here:
The Album cover is great! What is absolutely wonderful is the fact that our guys are back together...where they belong! Don't get me wrong, Alter Bridge *nods to Mark,Brain & Flip* was great..Scott as a solo was nice...but you have to have Brian,Mark,Scott & Flip together to really have an impact. You guys have SUCH an impact. You touch lives! :) *waves to all the old school Creeders!*
Well put cynt i love creed
Great concert. Saw it at Jones Beach with amazing outdoor weather. Awesome pyro and great energy. I don't think I'll ever have to see a concert again lol and I'll be fine.
just got home form the PNC show in NJ. Words won't do what I saw tonight justice. I fiance and I are sitting here still blown away. I saw Creed a few times back in 98 and 2000 but they are 100 times better now. Emotion pure talent energy one of the greatest shows I have ever seen if not the best. Thanks for an awesome show guys.
sucks. gay.
Ok, album cover is pretty bland but I'm sure it'll have more meaning once I get a chance to read all the lyric and understand how the album cover represents the meaning of the album as a whole.
I won't be going to any shows. Stapp's voice is gone. The album will ROCK because studio magic can do anything to make someones voice sound better than it really is. Example: Linkin Park, Nickelback, etc.
Stapp can't sing. PROOF:
then watch:
Now, go back and watch from the 0:55 mark of the first video and the 1:30 mark in the second video (the choruses). Anyway who wants to say that they sound the same or that his voice isn't gone....give me a break. You're in denial. Anyone who wants to say "it's been seven years, give him a break" also doesn't have a clue. What, do you think that Stapp hasn't been singing in 7 years and he's just relearning how to do it? No, the guy's been playing Creed songs on his solo tour for the last five years! I love Creed. I love Scott Stapp as a song writer and even more as a of the best ever. But the guys voice is NOT up to caliber to be a rock star anymore. That much is clear.
Saw them last night at PNC... great show!!! Standing the whole entire time!!! Didn't want the night to end..... glad to see them out and rockin'!!
The guys were awesome at Jones Beach. Scotts voice has changed slightly, but was just as strong and powerful as always.
I like the new album cover. Nice symbolism.
Awsome last nite in Jersey. Was great to meet u guys, hope u liked the crosses. Love @ strength to all of u. Luck with Full Circle.
A melhor noticia que eu tive neste ano!
Estaremos de braços abertos para volta!
I totally agree with u man. I said that his voice changed in the beginning of this blog and people started ripping me apart. I saw them in concert the other nice and his voice has changed.
bob.....this is LOVE CREED....BUT LET'S BE HONEST.
We are in the same boat. I'm certtainly not one of those Creed haters, and I'm looking forward to the album dropping just as much as anyone else; but I don't cover up the truth. Stapp's live voice is not what it used to be. PERIOD!
I don't care if people start hating on me, too. I still love Creed's music, melodies, lyrics, etc. I'm just pointing out the facts, and the facts is that his voice doesn't have the power and grit that it used to. That video link I posted of them performing Torn at Woodstock in ''s no wonder these guys were the biggest thing in rock from 97-2003!! But the 2009 Creed is NOT what it used to be....not live, at least.
The album will be bought by me the day it comes out. But I ain't gonna pay to see them perform. Nope.
I like how Scott's voice sounds now, but I do agree that it has changed. You can't really argue with that. He can't hit the high notes anymore, but at least he still has that passion in his voice. That's all I really care about, and that's why I'm still excited to see them on the 26th.
i went to concert in new york for me they were amazing and scott well yeah i'm agree that he can't hit the high notes now but he still doing a great performances and he love to be on stage i really enjoyed him i love the band the are great and i hope THEY MAKE A DVD FROM HIS TOUR 2009.
Please come to Oregon. I love you guys so much...
Anyone want to see the
8/8/09 and 8/15/09 concert footage
Found it here:
So his voice doesn't sound the same as it did 7 years ago....
who cares?
I will still go see them, tonight, and any other time they play around here, because for me, Creed is not about Scott Stapp and his voice, never has been, never will be.
With all the ugliness, negativity and hate this band has had to endure, and will no doubt see again, why would you, as a "fan" come to THEIR website and spread more?
This is what he does, what he's passionate about, and you come here, where he may very well read this, and say that he's no good at it anymore.
What kind of fan are you???
Venezuela reportandose.. You're awesome guys. I'll be waiting from here... Rock
welcome back!!! now we got some good music!!
Creed Fucking Sucks
So do these people that like em so much and can't post anything for 11 days. Now there's a lot of faithful fans!
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